Dhaakad is an upcoming Bollywood action and adventure movie directed by Razneesh Razy Ghai. The main roles of this movie are Kangana Ranaut, Arjun Rampal, and Divya Dutta. The movie has scheduled for release on 08 April 2022. Dhaakad movie has going to released in the Hindi language from India to the world. Dhaakad has a 2022 Bollywood drama, helmed by Razneesh Ghai.Dhaakad has Produced by Deepak Mukut and Sohel Maklai.
First Look Poster:
The makers have recently released the first look poster of the movie. In addition to the poster, Kangana Ranaut talked about the poster and also revealed the details of the movie. In the first look poster, the actor looks fierce and tough as he holds a blood-stained sword in his hands. Kangana appeared wearing a gray sleeveless t-shirt and shorts. She completed the look with a pair of shoes and a watch. Bloodstains and cuts can be caught all over the actor’s body. In the background, several men were shot and kills by bullets and gunfire around them. Judging by the poster, it seems that the actor will not let go of those who come his way.
Release Date Details:
After watching the first look poster all are eagerly waiting for the movie release date details. Recently the Dhaakad movie team officially announces the film has ready to release the movie on 8th April 2022 in theatres.
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