Shabaash Mithu is a Bollywood action biopic. Directed by Priya Aven, the film is produced by Viacom 18 Studios and stars Ajith Andre, Anjali Bhushan, Pushkar Karmalkar, Vicky Misra, Sushant Dungare, and Lalit Prem Sharma. The film stars Tapsee Pannu and Guldasham in the lead roles. The film is being shot in Mumbai and Hyderabad.
First Look Poster Details:
We see the poster of the movie Shabash Mithu with a cricket uniform and a cricket bat in hand. That is why he is going to play a cricketer in this film. Cricket lovers will definitely enjoy the film and the anticipation of the fans who saw the First Look poster has also created a lot of anticipation about the film.
The story revolves around the struggle and life of Mithali Raj in the Indian women’s cricket team. Commenting on his performance in the biography, Topsy said, “It was very difficult. I only watch cricket, not play. This can be a challenge. I am dreaming about cover drives now because Mithali has already told me that I will see how to play cover drive.
Also read: Badhaai Do Movie
Release Date Details:
Recently Shabash Mithu Films announced the release details of the film. The scream of the film is almost over. The film is set to release in theaters on February 4, 2021.