Suicide Squad 2 is the second franchise of a famous DC comic Suicide Squad. Directed by James Gunn and The Suicide Squad sequel’s team is slated to begin filming this month in Atlanta and will hit the theatres on August 2021.
Director Announce not to get attached with the Suicide Squad movies
Don’t get too attached. #TheSuicideSquad
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) September 13, 2019
Suicide Squad 2Full Movie Detail
Director | James Gunn |
Producer | Warner Bros & DC |
Actor (s) | Margot Robbie, Taika Waititi, Idris Elba, Joel Kinnaman, Jai Courtney, Alice Braga, Nathan Fillion, Michael Rooker, Storm Reid, Viola Davis, John Cena, Pete Davidson, Peter Capaldi, David Dastmalchian, Jennifer Holland, Sean Gunn, Flula Borg, Steve Agee, Daniela Melchior, Joaquín Cosio |
Language | Hollywood |
Release Date | August 2021 |
Budget | Unknown |
Suicide Squad 2 Daily News & Updates
- 12 Sept 2019: Director announced the star cast of the upcoming movie Suicide Squad 2 movie.